Sunday 19 June 2016

Money In The Bank


Money in the Bank is fast approaching, as I’m sure all wrestling fans will know. So we wanted to take the time to predict what we think will happen and a little commentary on each…


ALEX: Ziggler. I don’t think it’s likely Ziggler will win, but I’m going with him as my pick in hope that it adds some unpredictability to this feud, and isn’t just to put Baron over, which I believe is the aim rightfully of this feud. I don’t think it should just be Baron breezing past Ziggler, so hopefully we see Ziggler take the win in some sort of cheap win that doesn’t hurt Baron but stays on the right track and purpose of this feud

COURTNEY: Baron. I think he’s bound to win due to the fact he’s just been moved up to the main roster. Winning this match would mean that it would develop his character and progress his career more.


ALEX: Apollo. This is Apollo’s first major feud on the main roster, so I see him winning this would be a clever move as it’s against an experienced guy in Sheamus who has been in WWE for a number of years now, so a win for Apollo would do him good. I feel they could use Apollo fairly well if done right, so believe this could be a start to making a good character.

COURTNEY: Apollo. It doesn’t make sense for Apollo to lose this match as it would just damage his development. Putting him against Sheamus us a good move, as like Alex said, he’s experienced and can help in developing his character.

ALEX: Dean. Where to start? I always love a money in the bank match, it’s probably one of my favourite matches in wrestling. It always delivers an entertaining match and the whole idea of having a wrestler have the money in the bank is one of my favourite things in wrestling. With that said, I believe this could be match of the night because it has a great line up of guys involved, what I want to happen and see is Sami and Kevin develop their rivalry even further, this could involve one of them costing the other the win and them two focusing on each other instead of the match. Cesaro would be my second pick but really feel like they’ve dropped some important decisions with him, e.g. his recent change to coming out in a suit and ripping it off doesn’t scream World Champ to me. This annoys me to say because I believe Cesaro would be high up in my picks who deserve a run with the title. I don’t see Chris winning it just because he’s not in the position now to be here full time, I think as in recent years we’ve seen him go away, unless he has one more run in him. Now here comes the main point, if you’ve read any of my posts before and come across one last year, when we were approaching the royal rumble, I mentioned that the longest we should wait until we start thinking they aren’t doing enough with Dean is Money in the bank. I said that I thought he could have won the royal rumble and I think I’ve had him as my pick, we have seen glimpses of them suggesting he’s in the main event role, even having world title shots. So now we are at Money in the bank, I admit he’d rather win this than the royal rumble, but if he doesn’t win this yet again, I fear they are wasting one of the best talents in wrestling, not that he doesn’t get his fair share but more so that he could do more than he’s given, due to his ability.

COURTNEY: Dean. I’m not sure whether this is me wanting him to win, or whether I think he will. What I want to happen, as they’ve teased, is a three-way rivalry between the ex-shield members. I think it would be such an entertaining storyline and so if Dean won it he would be able to cash it in against Seth and Roman later on in the night. Whether he was to win that match or not, I really think it would be such a good move. I think that Same and Kevin are going to be too occupied in their own feud to win and then the other three are just going to fall short. I think this could definitely be one of the best matches of the night and as long as they keep the unpredictability in there it will have me gripped.


ALEX: Natalya and Becky Lynch. So this match to me seems a bit useless, like I get they are probably protecting Charlotte and her title until the brand split but to have her not defend it takes away excitement from any match. After the great triple threat women's match at Mania, they had momentum but now it's slowed down again, I would love to see some call ups when the brand split happens so it bulks out the women's divisions and they get a fair share just like the rest. For this match I can see Dana turning on Charlotte or something along those lines.
COURTNEY: I’m also disappointed that this isn’t Charlotte defending her title, I don’t enjoy watching Dana at all and I want to see Charlotte fight without any of the tricks and unnecessary things. She is a talented wrestler and I want to see her given that chance to defend and show her skill as champion, to show she might be the true champ. But what I see happening here is for Nattie and Becky to win, to tease Charlotte losing her belt but in the next defence of her title she’ll retain it; hopefully by herself. As a woman myself I want to see the women be given more opportunities and the chance to show their talent along with what the men get, just doesn’t seem that fair to me.


ALEX: Rusev. This match could be a decent fun match, it's actually nice to see Titus as a singles competitor and involved a title match, he's always deserved these kind of spots and who knows, maybe they'll do something really good with him but I can't see Rusev dropping the title one bit here but stranger things have happened.

COURTNEY: Rusev. I really can’t see Rusev losing his title this quickly, just doesn’t make any sense for them to do that in my eyes. But who knows what’ll happen.


ALEX: Enzo and Big Cass. Right, this has potential to be a very fast paced exciting match, it's filled with talented teams and I would actually be happy with any of them winning this one so that's always good. I do feel it's out of three to win though as The Vaudevillains probably aren't seen as a team to carry the titles just yet. That means I think any of the other three will pick up the win, now I would be confident in New Day keeping the titles but the brand split makes me wonder if a normal team of two would be better fitting, I see Enzo and Big Cass winning this and staying on Raw then New Day get drafted to Smackdown, obviously not all as one but they tease breaking them up then they all end up getting drafted so New Day can stay together and maybe win the Smackdown tag titles? Who knows, that's all just theory but I think either New Day or Enzo and Cass are my two top picks for this but I certainly wouldn't mind or be surprised if The Club won either.

COURTNEY: The New Day. I feel like The New Day just have too much hype to lose their titles at the moment. But I do think this will be another one of those matches where the winner is teased and teased until someone just makes a big move and wins. I think if it were to be between anyone it will be The New Day and Enzo and Big Cass.

ALEX: John Cena. This is being dubbed as a 'Dream Match' and I would tend to agree, this has been a match of interest for years, you could call this prior to AJ coming to WWE Mr TNA vs WWE but now AJ is in WWE we have this possibility. I don't mind who wins this match, I'm more intrigued to see what goes down and just how good it could be, hopefully it lives up to the hype, I don't see it having dramatic changes to anything other than it just being a 'dream match' but I can't see anything other than a Cena win in this one.

COURTNEY: John Cena. It’s John Cena’s first proper match back and I really don’t think they’ll make him lose it. I mean it’s John Cena. He may lose another match against AJ at some point, but I don’t see it happening this time.

ALEX: Roman Reigns. (Dean cashes in). I believe this will be a good match, Seth's big returning match and he's in none other than a WWE title match and rightfully so since he never lost the title during his run and his return is marked in a major way by getting straight back into the main event scene. I have a few outcomes of this and not many sway to Rollins coming straight back and taking the title, I can see Reigns keeping it but my preference is Dean cashing in if he wins the MITB on Reigns, I think it adds more to it if he cashes in on Reigns setting the foundations for a future triple threat match at Wrestlemania for the title but I can see Reigns keeping the title or a cash in and Seth taking the title the least likely to happen but not out of the realms of possible so I expect a few twists and turns, a lot of near falls in this to build the tension but whatever happens it should be a good match.

COURTNEY: Roman Reigns. I think that this and the Money in the Bank match will be the best matches of the night. I’m a big Roman reigns fan and so I not only want him to win but I really do think they’ll make him keep the title. Also with this being Seth’s first proper match back it’ll be good to see him wrestling, seeing as I’ve never experienced his matches live before, only old matches. I think that it would be so good for Dean to cash in at this point, it would be amazing to see this feud develop between the three. WWE have a great opportunity for a gripping storyline here and I hope they take it. 

Tuesday 24 May 2016




ALEX: Okay, so when a no disqualification match results in one incident happening in which the stipulation comes in use and it involves hardly or no use of weapons at all then just scrap the stipulation, WWE are at a point now where they can’t put on matches too brutal so in my opinion they should scrap the extreme rules PPV and come up with a new concept for a PPV, would save us the pain of putting up with these 'extreme' matches and just try to put on good matches. I can't say this match had much use to me other than a warm up for the main show which it succeeded at.

COURTNEY: I’m gonna be honest here, I didn’t even see this full match as I was too deep in ‘Orange is the New Black’ and forgot about the preshow. I caught the end of it and I agree with Alex here, it just felt like a normal match, and a way to start things off


ALEX: I could not see The Club losing this so it was a tad predictable, they were not going to lose in their first PPV match so for what it was it was good, it was nice to see The Club pick up the win and hopefully they will move on to working with Finn shortly to make it a bit more interesting.

COURTNEY: I knew The Usos weren’t going to win, but damn I wish they would, got to root for your faves. Anyway I thought it was a good match, nothing much to say specifically, entertaining enough.

ALEX: I did not know the card fully for this PPV if I'm honest and I did not know this match was on here, I did not expect Rusev to pick up the win but he did which I was pleased to see but I just hope he heads in a good direction and he is not just building that title up for him to lose it to Cena in the near future, if they avoid that they can have my attention back on the US title as I feel Rusev could be a valuable guy to have on the roster if given the chance to prove his value.

COURTNEY: I love watching Kalisto fight, he has such high energy and the leaping and athletic ability is great to see! Although I was glad Rusev won the title, the whole maho Russian thing is pretty entertaining.


ALEX: I could not see The New Day losing their titles here one bit, I feel like it was supposed to be Big Cass and Enzo in this match anyway if their incident didn't happen, maybe not though and we ended up with this, it was, two very gimmick based teams so it had a sense of goofy fun about it and was glad to see The New Day pick up the win, they are far too hot at the moment to make them drop to anyone but Big Cass and Enzo in my eyes. Little note I had though and I'm not sure if I'm reading it wrong but it seemed they were teasing Big E getting fed up of the lack of seriousness The New Day has when Xavier was delivering his promo, Big E seemed to be out of character and his usual goofy self so that will be interesting to follow but I can't see WWE breaking up such a popular group just yet.

COURTNEY: I don’t think The New Day will be losing their title or disbanding anytime soon, everyone finds them entertaining, they bring laughs every time they come out! So I think I’d like to continue to see them get opportunities, and win their matches! They bring a little bit of adult comedy into WWE, like all these kids laughing don’t even know what they’re laughing at half the time, makes them even more entertaining.

ALEX: This was the best match of the night in my opinion, a typical action packed fatal four way filled with inventive spots and moves. I wanted anyone but The Miz to win but you just had to know that he would win, nothing against The Miz, if anything he does a good job playing an annoying heel but I can't help but feel it's more of a 'I don't care about this guy' dislike more than heel heat so that's why I'm like meh anyone but him whenever he is in a feud or rivalry and sadly but expected he kept his title, he will probablly finally drop it to someone like Cesaro is what I think and expect them to carry on the multi man chase for the IC title a little longer.

COURTNEY: I had no idea who was going to win whilst watching this match and that’s what made it even better to watch, I was rooting for Cesaro and so every time he pinned someone I was like ‘yes, do it’. But then The Miz took it. I find him really boring, I really don’t like the whole ‘woman on the arm thing’, that’s been done too many times. But overall I thought this match was amazing, kept me constantly guessing who was about to win.


ALEX: I expected far more from this and I felt it could have delivered much more, of course I'll give credit where it's due and respect to Jericho for taking the thumb tack bump, that was a highlight but other than that I think it fell flat and feel the whole feud overall has felt a little bit underwhelming, I hope both guys move on from this swiftly and hopefully Dean may actually for once be used in a serious storyline in which his talents can be highlighted, you can argue he always gets these high profile feuds with top guys but what use are those if he loses the majority of them and even when he does win one he then gets any momentum he has taken from his grasp. I don't think they will use him in a better role and with every Royal Rumble or Money In The Bank that passes, I can't help but feel he will be stuck in this gimmick insane role for life like some sort of gimmick that repeats a storyline over and over.

COURTNEY: That drop into the thumb tacks was so intense, seeing them literally sticking in him!! I really enjoyed this match, felt they really made enough of the Extreme Rules and took advantage of the anything goes. This match highlighted both of these superstar’s ability and they really gave it their all. But like Alex I do think Ambrose should be getting bigger attention, just like the other members of The Shield clearly have been getting, all three of them are amazing wrestlers so I don’t see why Ambrose fails to get the spots the others do.

ALEX: I was hoping this would be a bit better than it was, I feel both women have had to make the most out of rubbish storylines given to them, every match they have has to end in some dumb way instead of simply having this as a 'who is the better wrestler' storyline with a series of matches to just show what they can do in the ring, instead they are both belittled by doofus false finishes and short matches that really don't do them justice.

COURTNEY: I was really looking forward to this match and it really let me down. I wanted Natalya to win and I wanted to see Charlotte’s ability without stupid gimmicks. That Dana Brooks was just too fucking eager to be in that ring, she was irritating and I really didn’t see the need for her there, I mean why did she even get brought up to the main roster when there are better wrestlers down there. I feel like Charlotte’s wrestling ability has been overshadowed by the gimmicks in her dad and now Dana, she doesn’t need that to show her ability, the women’s fights should be just that; fights.

ALEX: For this match, I was not too hyped, I had a bit heading into it because I felt it would be a good match and I did truly enjoy it, it delivered in my eyes, it was what you would say is a good match in my books. That said, it got a bit silly when AJ ran Roman over with a freight train and he kicked out like oh my god, how did he do that, nah but seriously, the reason I was not bothered about this was because it was painfully obvious AJ was never going to win and that took away my excitement slightly. The other problem I have with it is Roman getting booked stupidly strong like okay we get he is the top guy, that means he can take more damage that most of the others but two styles clashes, multiple chair shots and many other things and he still kicks out? It takes the fun and unpredictability away which is what makes the best matches special in my opinion because every match now with Roman just can be pre called, the dude will take a shit ton of damage and wow, a spear and it's over, for me it just takes away a slight edge to matches knowing someone won't even stand a chance but man would Cena vs Reigns be good, we may witness the first match in which neither man gets pinned and both agree to a draw because it's unfathomable for either of them to take a pin but other than that slight rant, this was a decent fun match worth the watch.

COURTNEY: Roman is my absolute favorite wrestler and so I am glad he kept the title, once again despite the negative backlash he receives, like I’ve said for ages, he’s giving you some reaction so he clearly is doing his job, would be a lot worse if people felt nothing. Anyway, I unlike Alex, thought this was the best match of the night. To me the constant kick outs made it almost worrying that Roman was going to lose the belt. I feel like both Roman and AJ are good wrestlers and they put up a really good show, like it makes sense to me and probably the kids, that he’s stronger so can take more.

ALEX: I'm not sure what score you can grade a PPV in which your favorite moment involved the end of the show but I'm sure it was many peoples aswell, business has picked up again with Seth Rollins return and the earlier problem I mentioned, I believe a rivarly with Seth and Roman could be pretty amazing, it could get personal like old school wrestling rivalries and I believe Seth can bring that edge of being able to challenge Reigns so I look forward to that, THE KING IS BACK.
COURTNEY: I think Alex was a little harsh, it was still an entertaining show just maybe needed a little bit more added. Definitely would like to see a rivalry between Seth and Roman, that could be good, although I’m pretty sure Romans time with the title is coming up what with Seth coming back.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday 4 May 2016



This is the second part in describing out favourite current WWE superstars, and this is my turn (Courtney) to share mine. I am a newer WWE fan than Alex, but I have easily picked uo my favourites and sitting watching old matches and documentaries on wrestlers has helped me develop this list...

Now this would have been "The Bellas" but since Brie has recetntly left, I unfortunately can only say Nikki. But either way I think she is an amazing wrestler, she has a tonne of talent and I really can't wait for her return so I can see what she has to offer outside of The Bella twins, which I think will be something amazing.
Brock is the biggest man I have ever seen, he is huge. He's 6ft3, a whole foot bigger than me. That in itself is impressive but besides his size, he's scary as hell and his presence in the ring is overpowering, doing both UFC and WWE he's an amazing athlete and I couldn't not have him on my list.

I know Seth is out right now but I'm positive it won't be long until he's back. He is a very talented man, I mean he took the title from Brock so that has to say something about the man. I know for a fine fact when he does come back we'll be seeing even greater things from him.
The first time I was introduced to Naomi was when I heard the Funkadactyls song, and it was so catchy I just had to keep watching. From there I followed her career and I think she's extremely talented and has took her own character further in team B.A.D. She is an awesome wrestler, an entertaining women. As she says; she's NAOMAZING.

Dean is a wrestler who never fails to entertain. You watch any of his matches and you can just see the raw talent he has, his apparent inability to feel pain. The Lunatic Assylum is definitely fitting for this guy, because he takes one hell of a beating in some of his matches, sacrificing his body in the ring.
Nattie has Heart, pun intended. She has some talent to watch in the ring and at this moment I'm keeping my hopes up for her taking that title from Charlotte. She deserves it. She has a long history within the WWE and you can see her passion for the sport in everything she does. Not only is she an amazing wrestler, she's an amazing woman, helping out a tonne of charities involved with the WWE. She's not only an inspiration to many young girls out there, but also to me.

Jimmy and Jey Uso are in my opinion the best Tag Team in the roster at this time. They're two time tag team champions and deservedly. Their entrance: The Siva Tau, is such an individual way to enter the ring, it's entertaining and a way for them to honour their Samoan culture, We actually saw these two live the other week and they were even more fun in person. They are the type of wrestlers that help you get lost in the wrestling, like I said in our Wrestlemania review article, losing myself in the wrestling is important to me.
Although he doesn't really appear that often anymore, he is such a pleasure to watch wrestle. His mic ability is hilarious and his in ring ability is even better. I obviously, being newer to WWE than Alex, saw The Rock as Dwayne Johnson in movies, and I already knew that I was going to be a huge fan as I was a huge fan of his movies. But he gave me reason to become a fan of his wrestling appearances, because he owns any ring he enters. The man himself is also inspirational, his respect for women, fans and his work in charities makes me like him even more.

Triple H is one of the greatest, if not the greatest wrestler I've ever seen in the ring. For me, I like wrestlers even more if the man or woman behind the wrestler are a good person, and everything I've seen or heard of Paul Levesque outside of the ring, makes him sound like such a good man. Besides that The Game, is such a talented man, completely passionate about his career. I mean he got through 2 quad tears in his career and completed a full match on one of those, even though, that's basically impossible. The list just goes on for how impressive he is. I wish that I could have found wrestling way sooner than I have, because I would have loved to see D Generation X, and Triple H in his earlier career.
The current WWE World Heavyweight Champion, and he deserves it despite WWE fans reaction at the moment. He is a talented man, we saw him live also a couple of weeks ago and it was such an amazing experience, he had a huge ring presence and his athletic ability was great to experience in person. I think Roman has drive and passion to achieve the goals he has set out for himself - ~"I can, I will" after all. I'm going to remain a fan of his, despite his current negative backlash. One of the first matches Alex showed me, was of The Shield, his favourite at the time being Seth and that's when I became a fan of Roman. It's amazing to see him achieving so much success outside of the tag team and I hope he keeps doing so. 

I found it very difficult to stack the last three in an actual order, but I got there in the end. So I hope you enjoyed, and keep watching for more content to come from us both. Thanks for reading! 

Sunday 1 May 2016



This article is going to be a two parter, describing our top ten current WWE stars at the moment, first off will be Alex’s favourites then I (Courtney), will continue it on!! So stay tuned if you’re interested…

This guy is talented and for sure knows how to deliver a good joke, I feel his fun heel character that's not so serious is what wrestling is all about, carrying a flag around with his own face on it and doing things that are comical, just check his twitter out for a good laugh with little inside wrestling jokes like the time he carried the monitor away from the announcers table and tweeted 'I guess I'm the TV champion now' or something along those lines, subtle things like that; plus his in ring talent makes him one of my favourites.

Seeing this guy go from the days of El Generico to his main roster spot these days fills you with nothing but pride, a man who loves the business and everything he does in the ring shows that, I love to see wrestlers who do this just for the love of it and simply because he's as talented as he is, he is always high on my list of favourites.

This tag team from NXT have caught my attention from the early days of their formation as a tag team.They simply put on a clinic every match which made me like them, there in ring work pretty much demands respect because it's just that flawless, Chad Gable as a solo wrestler would still probably feature in my top ten, that's how high I rate him, but I find them a perfect match as a tag team, talented and always a pleasure to watch.

Pretty much the same as Sami, following these two pre WWE, it would be hard not to support them now they are doing their trade on Monday nights and they do it effortlessly. I'm a big fan of Kevin Owens as a heel character and hope to see him and Sami tear it down from now and long into the future.

  If anyone needs that big push as the one no one can   topple as the champ then my pick would be Cesaro,   he is gifted in the ring and I wish for the dream      match of him vs Brock one day but it's hard to sum  up in words to suggest how good he is when the only  way to appreciate him is by watching his matches.  Until it happens, I will strongly believe this guy has the potential to be something big.
These lads don't really need an explanation as to why I like them but it's not so much the wrestling side but the comedy side that I love which comes as no surprise I'm sure. The fun messing around reminds me that goofy stuff has its place in wrestling and New Day becoming as popular as they are just proves with the right formula that the least expected things can work in wrestling.

Dean would probably be number 3 if it wasn't for the fact he seems to be stuck in the position of dipping into the main event but never truly will be that 'guy' and for me that just takes the edge off Dean, the man is amazing all round and is in my eyes champion material but what I believe and WWE believe are different, he has his fans, there is no doubt, I just hope someone as talented as Dean can one day get the chance he deserves.
How could you not love a guy whose career is so inspiring? From TNA to New Japan to the likes of ROH and PWG to name a few, wherever AJ has gone, he has made an impact and that is no pun intended for his time in TNA but growing up seeing him in ROH and TNA, I was drawn to how amazing he was in the ring and always liked him and followed his career, he's always featured high in my favourites and will do till the day he's done putting on one hell of a show for us all.

This is my dude, from the moment I saw him in FCW then properly introduced to him thanks to his time in the shield, I have become a major fan of him and I simply think it's because any true long-time fan can see themselves in Seth, the guy who always wanted to be that one and succeeded, and that's why I respect him so much, you can see the passion and love he has for this and that resonates with me.
In my opinion, Nakamura could well be the best in the world, the complete package in my opinion with unmatchable charisma and a unique in ring style that captivates any crowd he steps in front of. I love how mysterious his entrance is and his mannerisms are, he embodies the word unique to me and draws you in with his attire, how he moves and how he simply carries himself, when it comes to charisma then for me Nakamura is head and shoulders above anyone else and the all-around perfect wrestling package is what makes him my favourite wrestler just pipping Seth to the number one spot but for me, the top two could have being either way in this list and it still would be fine.
So that's it, my current top ten favourite wrestlers, below I’ll list a few honourable mentions to the few that I am a fan of but didn't quite make my top ten this time around.
Enzo and Big Cass
Samoa Joe

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Wrestlemania 32 Review


After a long Wrestlemania weekend filled with plenty to talk about we are now finished with what is known as the biggest wrestling show of the year. We took the time to review and reflect the weekend, ‘WE’ being Courtney and Alex.

ALEX: I myself mainly thought this was a positive Wrestlemania, now everyone has their own opinion but I think the backlash from some fans is too harsh, I used to hate on WWE and everything they did but why? We as fans do deserve what we want, but should we act like little kids and throw a tantrum whenever things don't go our way and disrespect other wrestlers by 'hijacking' shows? I think not.

COURTNEY: Honestly, I’m moderately new to the wrestling scene but I absolutely loved it, it kept me on the edge of my seat and I was enjoying it. That may have something to do with my lack of Wrestlemania experience, but as Alex as said, coming into the WWE fan base I do think fans are too critical, in the end it’s made to entertain and get reaction out of people. If you’re currently pissed off about the way it went, then that’s better than indifference.
ALEX: So with that said, I believe this was a successful Mania, whether you got the results you wanted or not, I got some I wanted and some I didn't but I'm talking as a neutral view point because none of my favourites were particularly involved in major matches, allowing me to just sit back and take it all in.
We had plenty of big moments, appearances from the likes of HBK, Mick Foley and Stone Cold all involved in a fun segment, was great seeing those three legends and later in the show John Cena made an appearance as did The Rock, this segment was fun.

COURTNEY: I however was fully invested, Roman Reigns v Triple H was massive to me as Reigns is my favourite wrestler, so alongside an appearance of The Rock, also my favourite, I was completely pleased with the way it went. However you feel about Reigns and his similarities to Cena, with the backing of the company, it has to be said that he has talent. The Rock’s appearance was entertaining, I mean he’s an extremely entertaining man, so he livened up Wrestlemania even more in my eyes.

ALEX: We had a great showing for the women in their triple threat match and the Intercontinental title ladder match was a good match. The opening pre show was filled with matches to get us ready, they were good for what they were, pre show matches and did their job, the main card was good and I feel it delivered.
COURTNEY: As a woman, I feel extremely proud to see the whole roster of female wrestlers getting there chance to show their skills. I was sad to see Brie go, I loved the Bella Twins and so not seeing them perform together will be a loss, but I think Brie has many future endeavours in her personal life. The women completely stole the show with the fight for the Women’s Championship. The revamp of the belt, from that feminine butterfly is a step up in itself so I hope the female wrestlers be pushed towards success.

ALEX: The downsides to this Mania for me to be honest, there isn't many, I liked the progression of NXT stars and the women's title match, one downside was seeing Ryder win the title at Mania for him to just lose it on the Raw after Mania, that to me voids the whole point of the ladder match at Mania, also seeing AJ lose his Mania match was a bit of a downer, knowing Jericho put over Fandango in the past and now seeing 'the TNA guy' have to lose at Mania to me seemed like typical Vince with a little dig but that's picking at things and I really don't think there was much to complain about, I know most aren't happy about Reigns but as we've seen with Cena, if WWE want a guy then they won't budge on it, all we can do is get behind the guys we like such as Cesaro and Rollins and just accept everything can't go our way, some sort of compromise with WWE just as long as we don't get Reigns pushed on us like they did with Cena for so long, I'm not too fussed about him being around the main event scene.
So my conclusion to this Wrestlemania is that it was good, nothing mind blowing, maybe not 100% what the fans wanted but entertaining and some really good moments to remember, the highlight for me had to be Shinsuke Nakamura vs Sami Zayn, to me that match reminded me why I love wrestling, it was everything wrestling is and should be, two masters of the craft, both loved by the fans just showing what they can do in the ring, NXT takeover Dallas for me was a highlight and that match in particular was my highlight.
COURTNEY: I can't not mention the 'Hell in a Cell' match with The Undertaker and Shane McMahon. The Leap of Faith speaks for itself, it was intense watching him fling himself off the top off that cage, I was extremely impressed and in awe at how both men put in so much effort during that match, couldn't have asked for more with that one. To be honest, I’m happy being a standalone fan who really enjoyed Wrestlemania 32. I mean, I don’t have any complaints big enough to even bring up, it was a success to me, and WWE fans can complain all they want, storylines are still getting some reaction out of you. To me, WWE is a form of entertainment to get lost in, lose yourselves in the story lines, lose yourselves in the grand dramatic scenes, lose yourselves in the wrestlers.